Nice design!
There seems to be a tiny problem with the font on the LCDs though where the “background” text/numbers so to speak don’t match with the foreground “lit” text/numbers. Maybe the “8888” backgrounds are not perfectly aligned, or maybe you’ll need to use a monospace font. Or maybe it’s just me :o
Edit: Yeah just saw the minutes tick and the problem is likely due to the font not being monospace.
Not bad. I see the same issue as @AllenMiquel above. One way to solve this is to use the following tags for each digit in the time display:
#DkZA# — First Digit of the Hour in Day (0–2)
#DkZB# — Second Digit of the Hour in Day (0–9)
#DhZA# — First Digit (12 hour) of the in Day (0–1)
#DhZB# — Second Digit (12 hour) of the in Day (0–9)
Or, in order to let the user choose the preferred format, try these tags:
(floor(#Db#/10)) = First Digit of the Hour
(#Db#-(10*(floor(#Db#/10)))) = Second Digit of the Hour
(floor(#DmZ#/10)) = First Digit of the Minute
(#DmZ#-(10*(floor(#DmZ#/10)))) = Second Digit of the Minute