Multi Conditional Tag Lines

This is a Face that shows the possibilitys of multi Conditional lines . The Maker is Remarkably Modest about his work. If you are contemplating something like this It is a Fine example.


Very cool! I happen to be going to Rome in 5 weeks. I’m going to wear this! :+1:


Very interesting. I am just curious why does there show the $ sign in year. The expression seems being right


Unfortunatly the Maker is not that bothered about being on the Community. He invited me to share the Face here . May be he will turn up soon.

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I think there is one $ too many in the expression


should be:


I see now between 22 and 23

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Yeah Caen has Flagged it on the Comments to the Publication .I am annoyed I did not spot it .I did not Google the Date in Roman Numerals . I was sure The Romans used Dollars .

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Yeah, and you have to take the expression apart to see it properly to find the error. On a single line, it is impossible…

but yes, well spotted by @petruuccios

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Creator here. I have no idea how I dropped that extra $ in there. Thank you for pointing it out. It seemed fairly obvious, but I don’t understand Latin enough to actual use it. Lol. I’m glad you all are enjoying it though.


Good to see you here @Doink . Sorry I missed the Roman Dollar, but it peaked the Intrest of a few Good Comunity members. :joy::+1:

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Nicely done. I did think about trying to do Roman numbers but the only way I could think of doing it, is exactly what you’ve done.

On looking at the code, I realised that I have something very similar that I cut and paste everywhere - it adds the ‘st/nd/rd/th’ on the end of dates, but is structured pretty much the same:


The main thing is to have an empty ‘else’ result (ie. ?Something:$) and be sure that only one of the many tests can be true, as the results all add together to form one string (so no spaces!). All of this is to get around the ‘3 expressions’ and no nesting limits.

Good stuff!


No worries. I missed it too. I’m really glad you all enjoyed this. I made an apple watch face for my wife based on the Zelda game. I have it doing extra stuff on her birthday. On the 18th extra stuff happens for her. A lot of conditionals there as well. I will be removing all that extra stuff though after her birthday and changing the description.


Oh - I’ve just remembered that I have another rather horrendous example - so here’s a very simple question: What was the Date two days ago?

If anyone can do better than this I’d love to hear it!


Hey That is nice . I have made a couple of private faces for my Wife . She is not interested in any more . At least she likes them . One for Summer and One for Winter .

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My Word @EBD that is something else . It would take me a Day or two to test it .
I think this topic has become worth Bookmarking . Good Job.

Oh it did take days to test, trust me! (plus Yesterday, Tomorrow and The Day After - simulating a date wheel)…

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Please Tell us why you need to know the date two days ago for the next 200 years on your watch .



The Pedants are Revolting :::)))

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I wouldn’t say I did this better. I just did it differently. It’s still just as long and probably more going on in it. I used the day in year tag. #DD# to calculate it. It’s very similar. Just didn’t need to mess with the leap year stuff.

Edit: I said I don’t need to mess with the leap year stuff, but rethinking, I probably should. It’s going to throw the whole thing off on a leap year as it’s not subtracting the right number of days to determine the month.

$(#DD#-2)>334?#DD#-336:$ $(#DD#-2)<335&&(#DD#-2)>304?#DD#-306:$ $(#DD#-2)<305&&(#DD#-2)>273?#DD#-275:$ $(#DD#-2)<274&&(#DD#-2)>243?#DD#-245:$ $(#DD#-2)<244&&(#DD#-2)>212?#DD#-215:$ $(#DD#-2)<213&&(#DD#-2)>181?#DD#-183:$ $(#DD#-2)<182&&(#DD#-2)>151?#DD#-153:$ $(#DD#-2)<152&&(#DD#-2)>120?(#DD#-122):$ $(#DD#-2)<121&&(#DD#-2)>90?#DD#-90:$ $(#DD#-2)<91&&(#DD#-2)>59?#DD#-61:$ $(#DD#-2)<60&&(#DD#-2)>31?#DD#-33:$ $(#DD#-2)<30&&(#DD#)>2?#DD#-2:29+#DD#$