My best watchface

Hi everyone here is the watch face I’m most proud of for a week since I started.
What do you think?

My instagram:


I love it, especially the second hand

Very kewl


That’s great, and a very unique style, well done, I look forward to seeing more from you soon, you’ve definitely got talent there :clap:

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Thank you very much @icrltd4, i have a lot of ideas in mind.

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Excellent face and great design but on the previre there is no minute/hout progression as the vlack segments are all blankck, 9.10 are always red and the red bars for those hours do not change over minutes/hours.

May just be an expression glitch where it only works in creator and one watch but inspection is not open to see what the problem might be.

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Thank you for these compliments @rob.fisk .
But I don’t see any problem with this face, the 9 and 10 light up when the second hand passes over it

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Very progressive design! :star_struck:
That dial is very easy to read.
I like it! :smiley: