My Latest Animated Face, Outer Space

Facer is having problems Saving/Publishing this for some reason :thinking:

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Hello my friend Gizmo …
This happens when it is uploaded on the internet, to publish?

I have it finished, but it won’t save or publish

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I have just tested it on my end of the world and it seems like Facer is taking extra long to save faces. The more “heavy” loaded they are with elements the longer it seems like it is taking. It normally takes me only about 10 to 15 seconds at most to save a face. Right now it’s closer to a minute even with “light” faces.

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Interesting ! mrantisocialguy
One question please
What is the maximum capacity to load a clock design in MByte?.. :thinking:
To keep in mind…

I really don’t know, but I have read of others here on the forum that have hit that limit and had to change their face to save it.


Had to totally redo it and keep saving at almost every addition, but I got it Published at last woo hoo

VERY pleased with this one :grin:


Glad to hear you got it saved finally!


Thank you Mr Antisocial Sir :+1:
Had to synch it 3 times to slow 3 animations down :joy:

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I have noticed that play speed in Facer Creator is slower than real time. I am to the point I just save the one I’m working on and open the draft version with the view link in a new tab then I can switch between the view and creator tabs to see how my changes play in real time.

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Buenas ! Mi amigo Gizmo :slightly_smiling_face:
Contento de que …pudistes reconstruir el diseño!
Muy original!!! :writing_hand: :100:
Te felicito!!!

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@lucky.andrei did some trial and error testing and I think he got around 20mb before it stopped working.


Interesting!!! :thinking:

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Thanks Matt :+1:



**Very cool…**Gizmo !!!:wink::+1:

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