My new Wear OS style


I made a yellow gray face with a small unique display.


Nice design and style, good job :+1: (You need to look at the Dim Display though ok :wink:)

What did you find that should be improved?
How and with what do you make the backgrounds?


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The Dim Display: it looks like it is missing a lot of things that the normal display has that’s all, and I use Paint 3D and RealWorld Paint for all my image deigning/editing.


Do you mean they have no data?
This happened to me for the first time in class, I had to turn the permissions on/off again in the FACER app.

Real World Paint?
I’ll try it, I did it with photoshop and Paint 3D.


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Hi and welcome. I like it. Nice colors combination, nice data composition.

Does the front side look readable in light conditions. If not, you could enhance the contrast. It is always good to try out different color sets. Some improvements remain in the domain of taste of course. I prefer yellow and black, but others don’t. You could add some shadow to make your objects more stand out. Some shadows can be added directly in the creator page, i prefer to do that using that design software where you are more free, creative. Another thought is to add some animations to data, but also that falls under taste. They are all good to me.


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Great design and layout, good colour choice. All makes for an easy reading face. One fly in the ointment (Imo) is the size of some of the fonts. makes those of us with less than optimal eyesight have to strain to see.

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Thank you very much. I will take your advice. I’m trying to improve the face.


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I really don’t like small letters either, I can’t see well up close either, and I wouldn’t know what to do with that much information.

I’m still trying to work on it.