Mystery Technique

Hello friends! I have only recently started considering designs for Apple watches (I mostly target Samsung/Wear OS). I have come across 2 watches in particular that sparked my interest:


I know @GRR and @mikeoday are both geniuses (and I love their work), so the answer may be beyond me, but how do I shift Apple elements around to get effects like this? Thanks!


Whenever you see apple face with time stamp 10:09:30, it was not made with just the creator template, but somehow was the apple app on phone or tablet involved, to allow some other options, like the digital time font and placement. Faces made with just templates show 10:10:45.


Hmm interesting… which app? I just looked on my tablet and can’t see any obvious options.


I am not sure, we were once told, that is goes “somehow”, but not in detail. I could not find anything in documentation about it, but its not very relevant to me, since I do not have any Apple device to test with.


I been trying to explore how this is done. If you have iPhone or iPad, then I came to the conclusion that it is not possible. I have not found a way to get any design from another tool back into Facer.

A common tool that is used for this is Clockology. You can export designs from there. I believe you need Facer on android where import is apparently possible.

But this all a mystery to me, and to be honest, I do not think it fair. Especially since Facer themselves are doing this, which is, as you say, is not possible via the available templates.

I have given up, and am sticking to the standard available templates.


btw. Besides my WearOS Smartwatch, I also have Apple Watch SE, so if you publish something, and want me to test it, let me know.


Interesting. Thanks for the insights everyone! Having a tinker is all part of the fun, but I may not have everything that’s required. All good though, trying to stretch the templates as far as they’ll go seems like a good challenge to start with anyway :blush:


Well done Tom :+1:

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I 100% agree with you - if it can’t be done in native facer then it should not be in facer at all. In my opinion facer should have the brass xalls to ban it!

Is it possible that they are using an internal beta of creator, and it will come our way one day?

Sadly Like the SHADERS . Partners have Special Privileges . Any one with an Apple Watch can make the Other Apple Templates . It it is obviously a special portal to get them into the Facer Fresh Faces . It is remarkably unfair that we can not use them . Same as the SHADERS . In the U K we call that sort of thing Prick Teasing . Oh well .


I think it would make sense for partners to have a few extra options, but I’m not sure if they do. I guess some selected partners are a good way to ‘pilot’ test new features before public release? I’m happy with the creator for now :slight_smile: Facer is better than any others I’ve heard about either way.


I’ve also noticed this and looked into it. I read somewhere that there my be an Apple beta program for select users. I wrote to Facer with no reply. It’s interesting that you are partner and have no information on this either. Obviously there are a few that have access to these tools and are keeping it a guarded secret.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Facer needs a forum communication position “middle man” that has access to information not available. It doesn’t need to be a paid position. I’m quite sure someone would do it for free. No one likes to be kept in the dark. The lack of transparency on various things is quite frustrating.


Except that this would be a great advantage over us mere mortals making apple watches for free or pro. I mean who would want or buy a watch using the present templates hobbled with Apple’s restrictions if there are less restricted better looking ones available to beta testers.
Please don’t take what I said @roycaruso as criticism directed at you - it is not. I’m not sure there are any beta testers involved rather facer is just allowing it to happen and those users who have the knowledge and equipment take advantage (as i would given the chance) it’s just not fair that’s all.
If there are beta testers out there they should test and not publish!

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I guess the counter to that would be that Facer is a business and they need to keep the lights on…If there is no distinction between free and partner facers, why would people buy partner faces? The drive for some people to become partners would be access to more tools rather than money. Having said that, I don’t think partners do get such advantages. I think @thomasfmal is probably right in that it is just some people have ‘worked it out’ or have the required equipment, while others haven’t yet. Who knows :smiley:


Very good points and I totally agree :slight_smile: I was initially just curious to see if I was missing something obvious. Doesn’t seem like I am, so if very clever people are just doing very clever things then I am not fussed. And if some background tests are happening (as you say, who knows) then I say ‘fair enough’ and also, when kinks are ironed out, ‘sign me up’ haha


I just make faces for me at this stage and don’t want to clog up servers with my early drafts, but I am learning a lot and building my skills and confidence by being part of this community :slight_smile: I agree with some of the comments above in that it would be nice to see more partners around here as I am sure they have plenty to share. but it is nice to see people like @Linlay, @Rator, @kvansant, and @roycaruso here :slight_smile:


You’re too kind :slight_smile: It definitely feels good to be back on the forums after my child-related break haha I remember losing countless hours here back when I first started on Facer. The community is indeed amazing. Your skills and confidence will continue to grow the more you read, contribute, and ask questions. Looking forward to when your designs are out in the wide open world!


So you eventually cracked the mystery? I see you have watchface with the non-facer template layout on it.
Would you shed some light into some obvious questions?
Is this reserved to partners?
If not, is it reserved to owners of Apple watch iPhone combo? How does it actually work?


Yes, I sent the files and design to a colleague and outsourced the engineering side to him :rofl: I don’t fully understand the process yet, but it mostly involves the computer (preferably mac) and software. I’m not 100% sure yet if it only works for partners but the process is complicated. Apart from changing very basic things like the font boldness and background colour, he said there didn’t seem to be many other options he could crack. Given that I’m Samsung only (don’t have an Apple watch or phone and only have access to them via mt friend every month or two) and the amount of fiddling required to change fairly minor details, I’m not sure how much further I’ll dig into it (no idea how some of the more complex Apple designs have been done). Fingers crossed we get more tools to play with on the Apple side but I think we would need Apple to come to the party and also probably a larger Apple user base. Watch this space :blush: