I’m trying to make some text only visible when the step counter hits certain intervals. For instance, between 0 and 200 steps, the text should be visible. Right now I have:
$ #ZSC# > 0 && #ZSC# < 200 ? 100 : 0 $
But it’s not working. Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong, please?
A couple of possibilities:
Did you place the whole expression in brackets, as in: ($#ZSC#>0&&#ZSC#<200?100:0$)
I understand that you should not have spaces in the expression.
refer: Conditionals | Facer Documentation
which says
Don’t use spaces (" ") before and after part of conditions (wrong: $ #Da# == AM ? 100 : 0 $ right: $#Da#==AM?100:0$)
Ah, I was going by the Facer documentation on booleans, and they use spaces there.
Kinda confusing. Anyway, it’s working without the spaces. Thanks.
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