Need help coding progress bar Please

hi every one i need help coding progress bar quadrant i have done the battery level . but i need to do the rest steps , kcal, heart rate thank you

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This might help with Steps and Heart Rate -


You will have to provide the Formula for Kca. as there is so. controversy about it . Life’s calories or steps calories ?

than you , yeah steps calories , i have try
((clamp((#ZSC#/20), 0, 500)/500))*0.35) is not work

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is done the code is
((round((#ZSC#/38))/360) *0.35)

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OK so you want it on Steps Calories . What do you want the Maximum of the Range to be ?Some are basing that on 20k steps . That will make the average look a bit low . You could have an auto ranging bar but you would have to indicate the Factor .

ok what the code for that the watch showing is 89 kcal , but the watch face is showing 99

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If you want it to agree with your other data you will have to adjust the Factors to your Step size and Age etc . Everyone’s Biometrics are Different . You wil never get Better than +/- 10% . That result is Good . This Calorie thing can only be for Fun . Machines that calculate that accurately cost $4000 .

Are you using Progress Bars or Arc Shapes . It would be good if you posted your Draft Inspectable .

Looks to me like your metrics are set to give full range at 15000 steps . .

This is a WIP TEST it will change . I have done none off the others . Just Kcal.

thank you mate

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Hey . I see you published a Face . I just wonder . Something seems a bit odd with your Arcs . They don’t seem to be on centre . I think you need to say something about the Range of the Calorie Gauge in your description . But any way Well done getting in the WOS ,/ Google Logo colours

thank you . yeah im gonna fix it and update the watch face

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