Note my watch face but how is this curved digital time done?
One Digit at a Time . Sadly .
Looking for the time only not anything else
Yeah . But you see the method regardless. The Ethos of the group is to direct people to solutions not do it for them . However there are those that can not help themselves . But more satisfaction is to be had by taking clues and working it out for oneself . So if you want to have a go at that please ignore the test . In this case click on the Title of the test and you will be directed to an inspectable version of the face .
My guess is the the time has been split into 4 digits.
The formula below is for seconds, but works for minutes and hours as well. The hours may need some additional math if you don’t want a leading zero…
last digit: (#Ds#%10)
1st digit: (floor((#Ds#/10)))
I suppose it’s done by immage, facer does not support curved text.
At least this was my last info
lol Tom was faster… indeed the solution is to cut every digit and to simulate the curving
Yup. That is what I did with the Working Test I Made. I hope @pinbal24 and others understand how to Inspect it.
I use a second second finger to get the right angles i need and then align the numbers to them. The numbers can be Facer fonts or font or images you have made. Getting the numbers to show the time is more tedious- there are many examples here in the community how to do this if you only search
For finding abstract angles I use a second hand and the slider with #DWFHS# for the Angle / Rotation .
A good tip is to add a set of tick marks and place and orietate the numbers on them and either delete the ticks afterwards or replace them with more appropriate ones
Thank you. But was it really that hard for you to post what I was looking for? I have mentioned a few times before in the past that all this coding stuff is a completely different language for me that I don’t understand. So, I guess that makes not as smart as a lot of others in this group of people. I really enjoy making watch faces. These forums are here to help people right? Also, If I did understand the coding I wouldn’t ask for help, right? But again, thank you and I always say thank you and I do appreciate it.
@pinbal24 . I quickly posted an inspectable test . Fully working and that act invites you to see the CODE / Formulas working . You are welcome to copy the Formulas and paste them into your work or save them in a File . That is why we post Inspectable tests in this forum . All my Work is inspectable like many others and the invitation is Implicit .
If you are not sure how to inspect the Preview , I prefer to post them as above , Click on the Title of the preview and find the Inspectable link under the Preview . Enjoy .
I already got it from the 1st one you put up. Thank you kindly!!
here a curved watch face of my collection: