Need help with days ´til

In designer it looks right, on the watch it doesn´t …

$(#Dy#/4)==floor(#Dy#/4)&&#DD#<=305?305-#DD#:$$(#Dy#/4)!=floor(#Dy#/4)&&#DD#<=304?304-#DD#:$$((#Dy#+1)/4)==floor((#Dy#+1)/4)?365-#DD#+304:$$(#Dy#/4)==floor(#Dy#/4)?366-#DD#+304:365-#DD#+304$ Days 'til

Please see this:

$(304+(1-ceil((#Dyy#%4)/10))-#DD#)>>=0?(304+(1-ceil((#Dyy#%4)/10))-#DD#):(365+(1-ceil((1+#Dyy#%4)/10))+304+(1-ceil((#Dyy#%4)/10))-#DD#)$ days 'til hallow's


  • oct 31 is the 304th day of a normal year, the 305th of a leap year.
  • all leap years except centurials (2000, 2100, etc; exceeds work im willing to do) return modulo 4 zero; 16%4 = 0
  • divide the modulo by 10 to get a decimal below, then round up with ceil() to 1
  • add 1 to 304 for leap years, but substract 1 for all other years
  • october 31st - current day in year = days remaining
  • conditional: if days remaining smaller than 0, add (365 + {is leap year? 1:0})

Thanks a lot, but the issue persists with your formula. It still shows in the designer right but on the watch it shows the formula, not the result. Could it be that the formula is to long an has too many brackets?

OK, it´s fixed now. I had to split the formula in 4. Then it works for me.

$(#Dy#%4)==0&&(305-#DD#)>=0?(305-#DD#) Days til: $
$(#Dy#%4)==0&&(305-#DD#)<0?(#DD#-305) Days past: $
$(#Dy#%4)>0&&(304-#DD#)>=0?(304-#DD#) Days til: $
$(#Dy#%4)>0&&(304-#DD#)<0?(#DD#-304) Days past: $