Hello everyone;
before I publish that I would like to have your opinion on this design … Thank you in advance for your criticism and suggestions
Reminds me of James Bond intros
Very cool idea with the double swirl layer, almost hypnotizing
Did you test the date on your watch? It may be a bit too small and thus difficult to read on the watch itself (but I can’t try syncing yet as it’s unpublished). That’s my only concern.
I like how you couple colors together, don’t know where you get your inspiration from but the color matching is nice!
The truth is, your designs and way of thinking are good to invent your styles of work …
Very interesting and good combination of colors!
I congratulate you good work !!! @upgrade-gd
Cordially !!!
Nice design yes, but all the info looks a little small to me sorry.
I personally would have the Swirls rotating as well, counter clockwise
Thanks for your feedback.
I have now made the date display larger and published it
Congratulations Raven, maybe go back and edit the Temperature and Battery as well, make them a little larger? Just as a note, I find that 20 or 22 is usually a good readable size. Remember that it’s all what you’re happy with though, we only advise and provide opinions/suggestions
I am always grateful for good criticism … with this in mind, I have set the font size to 24
Bravo my friend, it looks just right now…in my opinion of course