I’m a pretty new member to the Facer community. My name is Sarah James & you can check out my watch faces to date by clicking on my profile @SJview or even follow me on Twitter.
In fact, here’s a few examples of watch-faces you can download free on my page -
Welcome to the community and Facer, Sarah!
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Welcome to the Community @sarahjamesm009 
Some nice designs you’ve made there, well done.
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Hi @sarahjamesm009 and Welcome to the Community . I have always been Intrigued to know how you get the Numerals in the lower part of most of those Faces. Facer Creator does not let us do that . Now we have a Beta tester for our Apple Faces . Great stuff .
Thanks for the kind welcome, Russell. To be honest, I must admit it takes a lot of patience & a little dose of trial and error editing your chosen watch-face photo to get the numerals either at the top or the bottom or so the time display isn’t overlapping any key images. If you ever need any help though to do it, feel free to give me a shout & I’ll run you through how I do it 
Glad you like them. Thanks. 
@sarahjamesm009. I am presuming you can only put the Numerals at the bottom by some trick on your watch or phone. Not on Creator.
Welcome to the community!
No, I did try on creator but you can’t move the time display. I mean, it’s bit fiddly when you use the photo app to edit it just right but it’s worth it I think. 
So is the Photo app is on your phone? Then you have some way to post it to Facer to include in your Collection of Publications. Is that Right? Thanks for getting Back. I like to try making Intresting Faces for Apple but can not afford to have both Tizen and Apple Watches.
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How do you post images in this forum? How do you upload them to Facer?
I’m the same as Russell, I don’t have a newer Apple watch. I do have an old Gen 1 somewhere but I think you can only change the background image… I forget.
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I did this for someone earlier. For posting stuff here. Resources for watches wants to be 640x640 .png .
Sadly you can only upoload to Facer if you are a Premium Subscriber. I Presume you mean promotional Pictures.
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ohhhhh ok I see the button thanks!
And here’s a test, to see if this image stays at 720X720 -
And yes, the resolution is still 720X720 after I uploaded and downloaded it, so I still have no idea why uploaded images need to be 640X640
Yeah that one work OK. I have seen resources at 1000x1000 it depends on the pixel count. I am not sure of the Mb. I think it is arround 300. I have tried posting high res stuff here and it just gets converted to. JPG with a Black Background.