NEW/OLD watch face question if it exists or not

I am new to Facer world… 1st hello and well i am sure many of you know way more then i care to about this… i was wondering if there is a face that looks like a watch face that lights up just the hour that it is and then lights the min and then lights the seconds? Like a digital FACE but on a classic watch face instead of hands… i would search, but not sure what to search or even where to start. I am sure my questions is ridiculous on many levels… but i think the look would be very minimal and different… and could help people to lewrn to tell time on a watch face… hope this makes sense on some leve


Welcome to the Community, there’s lots of helpful people here, and I’m sure someone would like to take your idea up for a new project :grinning:

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Hello and welcome to Facer. I think I’ve made something like this a while ago. Let me search later on today. If I don’t find it I’ll create something for you.


@luke.d.t9335 Hey Welcone. Strangly a lot of us have got near what you outline. I am not on my Laptop. I can post something later. This could turn out to be an intresting topic.
There are Tags in Facer that tell you the Time in Words. Not sure about languages other than English.
Keep comming back here.

Like this?


Here is my version of what you might be looking for…


I felt it like it must be super easy, but resulted in interesting challenge and a busy face.
I also had one from earlier with orbiting digits in places where hands would be, but still dont like it :slight_smile:


Yes, but think hour on the far outside, minutes just to the inside, and then seconds inside that… and just the number light up around the face, no trail… but i like what you got here

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This is really close to my thought…and maybe better then my thought honestly. Thank everyone for the quick replys

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Wow, i somehow knew it was outthere, and your replys are amazing. Thank you everyone. This is awesome


Shame about the Preview mucking up your work. Do you youse Shape Arcs or Circular zprogress Bars ?

I noticed the phone app always messes the arcs and circular progress bars (which I plenty used here).

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Lety them do it the Tizen Way. :rofl::joy::slightly_smiling_face: