I have a Sony watch with a square face and am playing with the watch designer. I’d like to be able to design faces to look good on either my watch or with the more popular round watches, but the number styles provided are all round. Yes, they work on the square face but they just don’t look as good as some of the faces I’ve seen that are made for that shape.
I know I could create my own template, but frankly I’m not that good at graphics and would rather focus on functionality. The built-in number styles would be fine, but I’d like to find some that look better on the square face.
There aren’t many good examples, but in general terms the numbers follow the outline of the watch face instead of being in a circle. So, the 11, 12, 1 are along the top, 2,3,4 along the right, etc.
The third one, with the cardinal numbers and hash marks, looks best to me. Is there any source for number templates other than what’s built into the facer.io tool?
I’m looking for Numbers of varying colours to use for square faces, so would appreciate some ideas please. I’ve searched Google for ages looking Numbers in a square shape rather than round and only found a few black ones but even those don’t have a transparent background Even plain white ones would suffice, as I can change their colour in the creator.
Good call MrAntisocialguy, but I’d still like some square face templates to use, with various colours and fonts. The creator has numbers to use, but they’re all in a circular format, so surely it would be really simple to have some in square format as well?
You might consider finding the post @Facer_Official made asking for suggestions for what they could change in 2021. Square watch face number templates would make a good suggestion to them.
Thank you very much lucky.andrei that’s great, you always come to my rescue If you have time, could I have them in a White colour please, and possibly Blue or Gold too?
lucky.andrei, as the phrase goes…you da man Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this for me, they are all excellent. Would I be asking too much if I were to request the numbers and tickmarks seperately? Yes or no, I’m very much grateful for all you’ve done to help me out thank you: much respect to you