Numbers rolling

need help with this for hours minutes and seconds and how to apply and what and where to put the formula and where to get the formula

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Welcome @munrobarry51 This is a complex subject covered in a couple of Topics . People use different names for the same thing and the same name for different things,
I will show you a couple of Topics and you should look for working models that are inspectable .

This is quite the Best I have seen . I see it is not inspectable . @bradtc might be happy to help you Learning . We are not suppose to make it too easy .

This is a good example of Rolling


Thanks @russellcresser. If @munrobarry51 is wanting an inspectable watch face with the flip numbers, I’m not going to open up the one @russellcresser mentioned above because it has a secrete sauce, but I have opened up this one as an alternate:

@munrobarry51 you have quite a few good faces already so this should be a good start.

I’ve gott a few other rolling and barrel faces too, but I’m not sure what @munrobarry51 is looking for.


Brad . I knew you had opened one up , that one is Perfect . You keep that Secret Sauce to yourself . As I said to @munrobarry51 Flipping and Rolling are interchangeable terms till you start trying to tackle the project .


LOL, kinda like my Mom’s homemade meatball recipe!


Hey, I love that one Brad, excellent job bud :+1:

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Thanks guys, I think that those are over 2 years old, but it’s rewarding to see them getting some traction again lately.

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What EdinBearDragon did: this is genius!

The simplest and the most elegant solution for rolling numbers I’ve ever seen!
Don’t get me wrong: I would never be able to solve it like this. It’s only easy when I’m not the one who has to think of it.
Magic! Wizardry!

russellcresser thank you for sharing!