Old Skool LED Effect?

Messing around with trying to get a more vintage interlaced/cathode ray type LED effect…Yes? No? Maybe? Still looks cool I think.


I basically like the look.
That’s a really good idea.
But personally I would be bothered by flickering.
The luminosity of the LEDs could also be a little stronger.
Increases readability.


Thanks. I can change the opacity range of the flicker so it’s much more subtle. There’s a fine line between noticable subtlety and no effect at all which I’m trying to tweak. As far as luminosity goes, it’s actually a lot brighter on my watch than in the browser for some reason. Totally different.

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Then I’ll wait for the finished product.
This will be an eye-catcher. :wink:


I like that, it reminds of the shimmering lights in the fly catchers.

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getting closer…

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color combinations?

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