Oneplus watch 3

You support the oneplus watch 2. I just bought the new oneplus watch 3 (and a premium account of facer). So can you tell me, when the new onepluswatch 3 will be supported - can’t use my premium meanwhile :frowning: .

I am affraid the oneplus 3 falls in the same category as galaxy watch 7/ultra and pixel watch 3.
These watches are from supplier delivered with wearOS 5 version that does not work with Facer. wear OS 5 as update on older watches reportedly is not causing problems.
Check this thread
:warning: IMPORTANT - Pixel Watch 3, Samsung Galaxy Watch7/Ultra compatibility - Announcements / Misc. - FACER Community

Thx for the info. Do you think facer is really working on the problem? I don’t understand why an updated OS works and the new OS doesn’t. Very strange … and annoying!!!

I think it is just Google being greedy and wanting to have share from EACH watch face sold. So Facer probably tries all what they can, but we have no info whether Google is willing to accommodate for them or not.
And for those older watches, they probably keep them backwards compatible, so people wont flood them with complaints about already bought watch faces, that suddenly stopped working after update. On new watches they have no trouble simply not offering older faces anymore, and the new format does not support the Facer features…

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Hm, do you know if facer supports the oneplus watch 2R - it comes with wearOS 4, so this must be ok. but the facer app only mentions the oneplus watch 2 (with R but also wearOS 4). I’m thinking about chancing my watch …

Sorry, I have no idea whether they work same or there might be some catch.

well thx anyway, trying it with a new topic :slight_smile:

I would gladly help more, but same as you I would have to rely on web research and maybe they really are the same software-wise…