Pilot METAR weather report

Any pilots in the community? If yes - does my METAR weather report make sense?

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OOPS forgot to past the link!


Looks good to me . Text a bit small for me but if you are a Pilot your Eyesight is probably a bit sharper .


@russellcresser the background changes to show current weather and not only that for the FACER designers the registration on the side of the plane (Wxx) is the current weather condition code. The taxiway signs show the time


Ha Ha .I did not realise the Registration was the Weather Code Very good . I was talking about the size of the technical Data . I ralize it has to be that size for how the Face works . Very Well .


Lovely design, great display and original use of data. May I suggest some ideas.
Would it be possible to add some slight movements to the airplane, to add some dynamic feeling. Perhaps a slight roll left, right (indicating a change of weather conditions), a little pitch down and up (when stormy) with a dramatic altitude change and then again under control. You could alternate those movements. I always hate that in a airplane, rolling or those air pockets. Wouldn’t like in real time, but I do in face time! :smile:


I am not a pilot, so I do not know what that data means but the second line sometimes has data, sometimes does not. Is it intended like that? Also the top line seems it could use some floor function as the digits behind decimal point overlap with something.

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Great work there, very well done, it all looks pretty cool to me, very cleverly crafted :+1:
As Patrick said above, maybe a slight movement of the plane would be good, to add a little realism, but just a slight wobble should work well, to make it look like the plane’s actually flying :thinking:


I like a good wobble - I’ll take all the comments and try and implement and repost when im done.
Thanks for the help and advice


The second line of the weather report should not be blank - it should show a dummy altitude and the METAR code for the current weather conditions. I used the conditions tag to make them visible and as i have had problems before with this technique not always showing correctly I think i will move them on/off screen instead. Regarding the numbers following the decimal point - it looks alright on my watch (sometimes) so i don’t really know what is happening there it’s using the compass and i know now that not every watch has one, so i need to do something there too. Oh well…bit of work to do here

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Maybe instead of compas data, you could put there wind direction angle, it is more weather related and independent of the watch type.

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OK wing wobble added and METAR report corrected (hopefully) but I’m not sure which version i like best - static plane with flashing lights or wing wobble with no lights. Both are shown below - what do you think?


I like the second one better, maybe just adding some frames to the propeler would make it more lively. Or should it look like the plane was gliding?


All good @BIELITZ . Not easy to get a bit of wobble in with lights flashing without making a Sequence . Some times the Spinning Prop is represented with a Shiny Transparent Ellipse .

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I like the Plane Peter, here’s the same one with a transparent background for you -
Cesena 172 Gif


I got distracted with another face but i will get back to it soon. I don’t know if it will make a difference but I decided to edit frames out of the video and reduced the duration to speed up the propeller a bit. I’m also going to have a still picture of the plane and just animate the nose. I will add my flashing lights afterwards.

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