Pixel Watch 3 compatiblity

Is Facer compatible with the Pixel Watch 3 as of yet? It is grayed out when I try to install it from the computer and doesn’t show up at all on the watch as an option to download.


No, new watches that come with WearOS 5 will not be able to use any 3rd party watchfaces.


I would rather say not from 3rd party stores, than 3rd party in general, because in playstore there already are compatible 3rd party faces for new watches.


Google is taking a lesson from the Apple play book and blocking all competition to their play store. That forces everyone to sell through Google so they can get their share of the sales with their “service fee” of 15%, just like Apple does.


Yes, that is correct, it’s all about money.

Although Google gets some percentage of Facers’ subscribers.


This is really upsetting, the bitmoji watch face was my primary one on my watch 2 :tired_face::tired_face:

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Same!! Such devastating news because it was the perfect watch face :weary:

They are working on it. Be patient. :slightly_smiling_face:

I certainly hope so. I have a couple different “favorites” that I use and jump around on my watch.