My idea is to have to ball drop on New Year’s Eve. If I did my math right a countdown shows up on the ball at 11:59 PM on December 31. Then the countdown along with the ball starts dropping at 10 seconds before midnight. At midnight a Happy New Year GIF replaces the ball at the bottom of the pole. On any other day and time the ball should be at the top of the pole and there should be no countdown of GIF.
Unfortunately I can’t test this on my watch and even testing in Facer creator sometimes doesn’t work right with the GIF not showing up.
This is the watch face.
Please look it over and test it and let me know what needs to be fixed.
We cannot test it unless you open inspection for the watchface.
Yeah what He ( MAG ) Said .
How do I open inspection on a draft. All of my published faces have inspection open, but I don’t see that option on the draft.
When you are in Facer Creator, click the “Share” link to the left of the “Publish” button. You will get a pop-up with the URLs to post a link and the toggle to turn on or off Inspection mode.
inspection is open. Please inspect
It looks like it is working to me. Facer Creator is not especially good at showing how everything works in a watchface. Sometimes it shows it’s bad when it works in the watch and other times it shows it’s good when it’s totally broken in the watch. Just one of the joys of working with Facer. BTW you can lie to your watch and tell it what time and date you want it to be, and test faces like yours that way. You just have to override the auto time settings.
Did you also find the face to NOT show the countdown or ball drop EXCEPT starting 1 minute before midnight on December 31? Not show the Happy New Year GIF except from 12AM to 12:10 AM on January 1? To show the ball at the top of the pole at all other times?
Please provide details about overriding auto time settings including how to set the time once overridden.
Thanks for all your help.
Looks like it is going to work To me . Some set their watches to Manual Time Update and cheat the setting to test stuff like that. Someone who can come up with Maths to that level deserves a medal and is very capable of manually setting the time on his watch .
My watch didn’t have an option to set the time manually. The only way that worked was to change the time on my phone. When I ran it the GIF did not appear until I closed the face and reawakened it, so I added some text & images behind the GIF to cover the possibility of the GIF not activating, and those also didn’t show up.
Oh well, the ball drop works well. The “Happy New Year” not so much
It’s working on my end. The sequence may not be showing in the editor because it’s set to On Wake; you can prompt it by clicking the “active” tab above the layers and it’ll wake up
Yeah well done @pandaKrusher. In my Experiance Sequences have problems Trigger on Sync. I did not check that. Trigger on Wake is the only way to go if the sequence is being timed.
@wsilbers I did not spend too much time looking at your Formula for the Sequence Manifestation. The numbers seemed strange to me then I see you sent it far off stage in two direction. My gut feeling is that it is a bit cumbersome . Also for the short time it is on the face let it fill the Display.
Happy New Year.
It works fine on editor, but not on my watch.
There are only 2 choices. Trigger on wake or trigger on sync. I don’t understand what trigger on sync is supposed to do - after all, how often is a watch synced? I didn’t think that was the best option, but either way it didn’t work. And neither did the text and image behind the sequence whose opacity was set to 0 except on January 1.
Maybe I should try that with a conditional rather than math.