Question about Face Storage on watch

I got a new Galaxy Watch 4 and (I still use my older watch at times, I switch them out) I changed all the settings in the app to a new Watch and it’s all working well except I noticed I only get 4 face storage spots, unlike my old Galaxy 3 watch. I have purchased the thingie that is supposed to give you more storage. Unsure what it actually did maybe it did work on my Watch 3 but it doe not seem to work on my Watch 4. Unsure what to do. Not a huge deal but a bit of a pain since I switch faces at the drop of a hat (Often)…

  • W
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Scroll to the faces that are already there, after those you should see “More Faces” and this circle with a plus sign in it. Once you tap that, from the menu select recently used, and you should see 10 most recently used faces.


What thingie?

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ok yes I get all those menus. But like I said you can have more or at least my Active 2 and Watch 3 had more slots. Also, there is a subscription that you can have more saved box favorites and not see ads on the phone app that I bought.

  • W

I have plus and it automatically worked when I added my GW4 watches. You won’t see a difference until you start counting all the faces.