Can anyone elighten me on how they decide what faces stay and what faces go on the top 100 after their weekly server update? My face was published last week, all week stayed it in the top 10 with solid downloads. After the latest update, it was completely turfed out?? What doesnt make sense to me is why I see some faces that were above AND below are still there now? Whats the deal?
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the answer to this would definitely be interesting!
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Marvin Brain Fart ?
Perhaps @Facer_Official could Please chip in on this one. We can not carry on Blaming Marvin for everything.
it’s back in there now but at like 60. Anyway, it’s a slow learning curve here when it comes to actually trying to promote your product here. The watch making part is relatively easier for me. I just don’t get how it could drop like a rock (completely off the charts at first) in a matter of seconds when it sat in 7th place for an entire week and didn’t move from that spot at all??? I get that there’s new faces coming in at that time but if my watch is still getting syncs too…shouldn’t it be at least a slow decent off the charts when your that high??
Shrug my shoulders and hopefully I’ll figure this s**t out eventually.
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I’ve had the same thing several times.
I don’t understand the logic behind it either.
Especially since programs can’t really be illogical. 
I often feel there is a Little Manual Manipulation off the charts . Normally a mordantly popular face will slip naturally out of the chat in about 3 days . The Sunday night Shake up obviously stresses the normality of the selection Process. The only trick is to keep a couple of Faces in the chart . One is a little Venerable . Once you have people looking at your other work you are in Business .
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I have the answer for you because it happened to me a few times. Your face is only allowed to stay in the top 100 for 30 days. When the time is up it gets yanked out wherever it is. That’s the response I got.
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My face was published 8 days ago. The face is now back in the charts but definitely has lost the momentum it had. But initially right after the update, it was totally gone and wasn’t there for some time. Anyway, it is what it is and the system does what it does.
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Oh, I misunderstood. Then it seems to me after the update it took a while to regain sync count since all faces start at 0 again.
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OK, then that makes sense as after the update, if there was a even a small lapse in your syncs right at the beginning, you could find yourself off the list. These things are good to know as it seems to be there are some designers who are very adept at using the system to increase their chances of exposure. The more you know…
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