Random musings/ rant

So here I am occasionally making or checking out different faces.
And a part of me can’t help but to think about how utterly stupid it is that the ability to change a certain elements color has to be locked behind the premium membership.
I mean really!? Even that other site that we don’t mention, you know the one the “Maker of Watches”.
Even their free faces have the ability to change the colors, Heck on some of there free faces I tried out you could even access other things like weather, calendar, stuff like that.
But NO not us.
Although again I suppose another part of me can kind of understand why these guys are stingy with that ability like they are.
Because Lets be honest that is in reality the only cool and useful function on the premium faces.
“But what about being able to bring up my weather app or my health app or whatever” you might ask?
Oh my! god forbid you’d have to make an extra swipe or 3 on your watch to bring up an app.
Yeah ultimately in my correct opinion there is absolutely no reason the theme picker ability can’t and shouldn’t be free.




well, it’s :moneybag: income when enough users are keen of that functionality.

From a user’s point of view, I understand your point, but on the platform’s it’s a financial thing.

A designer locks out a lot of users if he decides to implement the feature, but that’s his or her choice.


Yes . Each platform has major Differences . Facers Business model is not that unusual . They have to make some money to pay Marvin’s Astronomic Wages for looking after the Server :rofl: . One of the important things about Facer is its Unique Community . I think that is a stand out quality . And it is not something Facer Nurtures . It is the Camaraderie that maintains its Character . I Pray to all the Gods that it never becomes like Facebook .


I dare to disagree here.
I dont care for color swicth when making faces for me. I make them blue and its done.

But I can see the benefit for users, when undecided or wanting the face to match outfit, just one place in watch box for face of a style for all the colors. but then there would not be urge for expanding the watchbox capacity, nor need for server capacity for half milion faces (to brag about), where there is plenty clones just in different color shades the user has to wade trough.

What I like from pro features most, are the interactive variables, that allow for switching elements on the face.


Yes . Bravo . Long Live the Data Back . Oh and a decent One Button Chrono . Oh and Running Hidden Complications Like Games . Oh and World times . Sorry , someone Stop me . Sadly I am not on PRO at the moment . But someone on here told me to make some Templates so I can Make Private faces .

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:100: yup. Theme color is cool, but switching elements is where you can really make a face more functional and customizable.