Removed by poster to avoid further Troll harassment

Removed by poster to avoid TROLL Harrassment
Its sad some people think they have the right to harass people
and shove their views down their throats. STOP the bullying

For the TROLL in question I did speak with both owners of the images i used. one actually lives 5 mins from me and we speak on the phone

SO PLEASE stop causing problems for me and focus on your own designs and NOT trying to RUN Facer…they have staff for that


Haha! Very nice and cute!

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Removed by poster to avoid TROLL Harrassment
Its sad some people think they have the right to harass people
and shove their views down their throats. STOP the bullying

Thats super cute! I’m not sure what program you used or are using now vs what you used to use so it’s hard to say the best way. What programs are in your box?

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Wow that’s awesome! Almost exclusively photoshop for everything here


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I have paintshop, photoshop elements, corel draw (tough one to get use to IMO), adobe illustrator CC, Affinity Designer, Inkscape, Gravit Designer, serif design plus and a bunch of cheaper ones.

Lol that’s a lot of options, unfortunately I don’t know how much help I’ll be. I use gravit but only for tick marks and I’m not familiar with the rest. Maybe someone else can have some better insight.

Like i said I used them for Digitizing graphics and stuff for an embroidery machine, and that is nothing like this, It involves making sure every stitch is in the right place and such and after a normal graphic of about 5x7 can have over 75000 stitches easy LOL.

This is a whole different world and maybe these type of software programs arent the best for me here. Maybe someone else will chime in and offer up whats easiest software with best results.

Until then, I will manage and continue to learn from you guys ( Best Face Designers )

Nice job! With all that software you’ll be on a roll in no time. They’re perfect for what we do here. Which app did you use for that face design?

Thank you John, That I do have.

Well I’m currently a Photoshop guy so if you ever have any questions about that program I can help. Lol I hear PowerPoint is super effective and cost efficient too. I’m going to be learning Gimp soon which is similar to Photoshop but free, maybe take a look at that program.

Hmm I have heard of Gimp but never used it. I’ll check that out also. What i usually find when im doing something is that one program will do one thing the way i want and another does another part of it and so on.

With the digitizing i usually would use 3-4 or more programs to finish what i want to do LOL

Removed by poster to avoid TROLL Harrassment
Its sad some people think they have the right to harass people
and shove their views down their throats. STOP the bullying

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I meant what did you use to create the animation?

Removed by poster to avoid TROLL Harrassment
Its sad some people think they have the right to harass people
and shove their views down their throats. STOP the bullying


Thank you for the detailed information. I have been creating .gif animations for over 20 years, but I appreciate your including that information for others who may be able to use it.

Actually, you should be using Google or your choice of search engines.
Here’s why:
The images that you have saved on your hard drive were created by someone somewhere at some point in time. It is always a good practice to give credit to the original artist. Most of them specifically request that we do so when we publish their work online, whether we are posting at YouTube, Facer or writing a review, etc… That is why Google provides a copyright notice and “Visit” links to their image sources.
For example, in animated watch faces you have used copyrighted work of Paul Nylander and Picnic Studio. Both have contact information on their websites.

[details=Summary]This text will be hidden[/details]://

If we are unable to reach the source to obtain approval we should at least acknowledge the artist, brand, etc. if possible.
It’s just a way that we can help Facer by being professional. With the fun that we have here comes responsibility as well.

Apologies for another long-winded explanation. I’m a teacher.

Removed by poster to avoid TROLL Harrassment
Its sad some people think they have the right to harass people
and shove their views down their throats. STOP the bullying

Oh, no …

Let´s keep calm and peaceful - there is already enough hate, terror and war in the world.

Everyone here is a free person and can do whatever he or she want´s to.

And we all share the same hobby.

We are all different, that´s clear, but we should live and let live.

Greetings, Phantasico aka GAUSS


Thank you…but sometimes enough is enough

@selia67 this has nothing to do with hating anyone or stalking anyone. I am sorry if anyone perceives it that way.
To answer your questions, I asked you how you created the animation because if you were the artist, one of those sites may have been claiming to hold a copyright on your work. As mentioned in another topic it was discovered that my artwork was being used without permission. I was told that it was obtained from Google Images, and felt sorry for the people who thought it was free. Most artists like to know how and where our creations are being used, but I don’t ever recall being accused of hating or stalking until now.

Rules apply to everyone who agrees to the TOS when publishing. At Facer we are provided space to describe our work.

To address your other concerns, I do not share my background at Facer. As to your Google question, yes, if we obtain an image that has not been created by us, we should use Google to find the artist/owner in order to ask and/or give them credit. That is not the same as using Google to take the work of another person without asking permission.

All this has been discussed at length in other topics. At this point we are simply flogging a dead horse.