Request to all Senior Designers

Request to all Senior Designers. By checking my design. Give your expert opinion. And how many marks will you give me out of 100? Thanks to all members .
No 1 .

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Those are pretty nice, I particularly I love the top one! :+1:


Thanks For your appreciation… :pray:

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Hi. Lovely faces. Although i am more an animated face maker, i can much appreciate what you did. I think they are certainly two of your better faces, so great selection. If you would like to hear what i would consider for adaption… For the first face with the brilliant background and metal look, i would consider to adapt the digital time display. Its formats jumps in size, depending on the values. Perhaps you could split the time up in separate hour, minutes, seconds display and somehow eliminate the jumping. Or perhaps another font. Very good hands. Perhaps the ticks a little shadowing. Here is a trick i sometimes use.
Duplicate the ticks, make it black and place it under the one you have now and set the orientation on 1 or .5 degrees.
The metal container of the time display can be adapted in size to the size of the time display, making it a little tighter together. Do you have a logo?

Second watch, great. Perhaps a darker font in the beautiful orange parts, would enhance readability. Very good concept, display of objects and data. Congrats. BC