Would be great if there was a built-in option in facer to set the end caps of progress bar to rounded. IF YOU AGREE, CLICK THE UPVOTE!
I see rounded end caps in lots of wear os face watches.
WFS and Watchmaker have round ends . Maybe Puji too . Stick here . Intresting Challange to solve the problem with parts . I can show you one if you wish .
I know how to solve it…but its just extra hassle. It would certainly be a welcomed feature in Facer and save watch makers alot of time.
Yes . Then all the progress bars on alk the Faces look the same . Some times a little restriction encourages one to be a little more creative.
Or we just end up with squared off progress bars. What does it take for a feature request to become granted? As you already mentioned this feature is present in other watch creator apps. I just remade my earlier watchface with squared ends to rounded ends. Will be interesting to see which gets the more syncs… but its an unnecessary hassle. I can only hope that it will one day be realised.
Squared or Rounded… which one is more pleasing?
Facer do Feature Requests now and again . I bet curved Text is higher on the list . Perhaps you could post an Inspectable link to the Face so we can have a look under the hood .
I would say the Pixel looking one Would get the Most syncs . However in my experience it is the first one out that gets more . If the user sees some thing similar they say to themselves " I have seen that " . They do not look too close . I must say your rounding is worth the effort .
Rounded version is now Inspectable.
Cool I am off my Laptop right now I will have a look tomorrow thank you .
Well Jason @jason.clarke.uk . Thanks for Opening your work . Jolly good show. I see you are familiar with making your own Formulas . The style looks like it might have been Learned on another platform or C++ . I think the round ends are worth the effort .
Day job is coding javascript…but maths is not my subject…i love seing other watch faces with their use of sine, cosine and tangent formulas. Always a good show.
Yes a lot of interesting Creators . Check the work of Zieneth Starr , Tom Vanes, Peter petruuccios. and Brad C . To many to mention all .
I think we all agree rounded is better looking.
But on the small screen of the watch I cannot see a big difference, looks almost the same.
Your solution for rounded ends is very, very interesting. Cool!
Yes, curved text would be nice.
Curved text would be very nice. But this has been requested a very long time ago and still no sign.
This would be nice feature and end to the cumbersome workarounds.
The trouble with any request here is, that we may support or oppose some, we never get feedback about Facers decision, whether they consider it for implementation in close or distant future or not at all.
So it either comes as surprise, or not at all, and we can only speculate and dream “aloud”.
Guessing from some years known and still unsolved mysteries, like broken glow and outline effects on texts, I would not expect this comming soon.
See we started a WiKi for the Banned Names . Which has proved to be stunningly popular ( Joke ) . It might be worth Someone starting Suggestion Board or whatever . I have a Limited number of Votes for the Voting Game . I have to remove one from something . So My point is the Whole Voting thing is a Joke . May be a WiKi tat responsible Makers Can Edit might get some Air Miles .
Maybe facer support can remove the overall votes limit, but still only allow a user 1 vote per topic.