Samsung Buds 3 Pro - The First Day

I know this is off any topic but I have to share the first impression, the first day with Galaxy Buds 3 Pro:

Guys and girls, if you are in a dillema should you upgrade to buds 3 pro, do not be, do not think about it, just
GO AND BUY them!

I just cannot describe what a piece of art this buds are. This is why I love Samsung, this is what I expect from Samsung.
I’ve never experienced such a sound from any earphone. I didn’t think it’s possible.
Deep, sooo deep bass and the sound that is so good and clear that I just don’t want to take them out of my ears.
Brilliant! Bravo Samsung!

Touch controls are a bit different, took me about an hour or so to get used to them but after that - perfect! Precise and easy to use.
But… the best part is that I don’t even have to touch them! They react to voice commands!
No “hey Google”, no “hey Bixby”, just need to say “volume up”, “volume down”, “play music”, “stop music”, “answer call” and so on.

I will not go into details, there are already many videos on youtube with more info, just wanted to share my ardour. Worth every cent.

Now I’m wondering: maybe the watch 7 and 7 ultra are also that good?
Maybe I was dissappointed for no good reason?


Hi @masterboyhr
Glad to hear the Bud 3s are great. Unfortunately I bought the Bud 2 Pro in March this year, so I will wait a while before buying the 3 too. I agree with everything you say about the sound quality. This also applies to the 2 Pro. Simply fantastic. :smiley:
Coming instead to the watches and in particular to the 7, I remain of my opinion. Samsung did something rubbish this time. Even Samsung sometimes makes donuts without holes. :wink:
Another example of a failed watch, for me, is the 4. In the Samsung Community in Italy, it is still full of users complaining about various defects. Returning to the 7, I can admit that in the long run one might get used to the strange shape. But there are other things I hate.

  1. The exaggerated price
  2. There is only the LTE version which I don’t use and won’t use. I don’t want yet another telephone contract with the costs it entails. Why do I have to pay for a feature that I won’t use?
  3. The cherry on the cake, the incompatibility with Facer. Will they become compatible? Will they never be? When will they be compatible?
    Until then, and until a significant drop in the price of the Ultra I’m not really interested.
    I have over 500 faces that I have made for my own use, what should I do with them? What faces should I put on the 7 Ultra? The ones from the Google Store?
    But… have you seen them? With very rare exceptions, one is uglier than the other.
    Let’s wait and see what happens. :wink: :thinking:

I’ve also had them, switched to buds3 from buds2. Buds 3 are much better.

This part I don’t fully understand.
What does it mean it’s only LTE? The watch doesn’t work without another phone contract?
I’ve seen setup/unboxing video for watch 7 ultra where the guy just skipped the LTE part and the setup continued without it.

Does anyone knows more about this? If the watch is LTE only - does it work without LTE setup?
Please share.

Yes , for us it’s a serious bummer. But I do believe it will be solved.

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thanks super

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Ciao @masterboyhr
I said that badly. Yes, it also works without a telephone contract via BT. What I meant to say is that the BT only version is missing, as it always has been. From my perspective, it doesn’t make sense for me to pay more for a watch for a feature I will never use.
Before you could choose BT or LTE.
I hope I have explained myself :wink: