I got a hot new Samsung S3 for the holidays and am working on a custom watch face. For some reason the steps and weather codes are showing up as blank or totally wrong. The battery and time codes are fine. I also tried putting in a weather icon that doesn’t show at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! Can you share the link to your watch face? We’ll investigate ASAP.
It appears that if i use the manual location in the Facer App, the weather doesn’t work. If I use the automatic location from my phone, the weather updates. The downfall here is that I tend not to turn on location unless I am using maps so that I don’t drain battery.
As for the steps; if I turn the phone on and off, it resets to 0. If I keep the phone on overnight, the steps reset to whatever they want.
Any update here? I would really love to solve these. Thanks!