Saving watch face without publishing

Hey all

Again, I’m very new at this. I finished up a watch face and want to save it to move on to another. I was able to push it to my watch to test it and use. Do you have to publish it to then move on to a new face design? I didn’t really plan on publishing it, probably not worth it for others anyway.


Well I think I figured it out. I was able to go back to the front page in the facer designer and start another. Is there a way to save these files outside of facer? I’m not sure if there’s a reason to or not to be honest.


You can leave it at My Design. I, for one, leave watchface with examples for animation.

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No, just in Facer Creator.

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sounds like you have it figured out, but another thing you might find useful is you can duplicate any project, published or draft, to either use as a starting point template, or to experiment with variations. Don’t have to start with a blank each time. .


I have this account which is my main account and a personal account. On my personal account I keep ten to twelve faces saved, but not published just for my personal use. On my main account I have 21 finished and saved faces at this time, but I publish just one a day. That way I have extra time to tweak or correct any flaws in my design. Plus after a few days you think of ways to make the face much better than you originally did making it. Long story short, you can save and not publish a bunch of faces with no issues.