Scrolling bar left/ right?

Is there a way to scroll my face to the left after zooming?
I’m frustrated with this for a long time, but never did the effort to ask because I though I was overseeing something. But I don’t know what. :roll_eyes:

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There sure is. I use it all the time, but I have track pad on my laptop, so with 2 fingers I can move the face.

With the mouse on a MAC: hold the Option Key an left mouse key, then you can move the face.

PC: ALT key and left mouse button

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Great, thanks


Some mice have a scroll wheel that also tilts left and right, and depending on the mouse you may be able to use that to scroll sideways by tilting the scroll wheel.

It works on my current Logitech wheel mouse, but I’ve had to decrease the tilt amount in the mouse settings.


Thanks for the tip. I use the MXmaster so that must be tweakable.