Scrolling Text, from the Right to the Left

Question to the experts of the forum:
I have a text and want to move it from the right to the left.
When the text passes a certain mark at the left it start at the right again.

Thanks for the answers in advance


I always struggle with this . Sometimes I get it straight away sometimes it is a struggle . It is all about the width of what you are scrolling so if that is changing you will get a gap . I try to run it so there is not a massive gap so it can involve 3 layers . If the Layer is wide you can get away with 2 .
I will post something soon . If one of the Cavalry does not sort it .


Thank for taking so much time for my “stupid” questions :smiley:


Hey Listen . There are Never any Stupid Questions . Not here any Way. Man there are plenty of Stupid Answers . That is what FB is for and if they stay there Jolly good .
Here is a legacy topic see the Giants Play . I don’t think your Question is answered well but it is interesting to see what they were saying about the subject 7 years ago .
I will make a test to try explain it better .


Yes a hero!!!


Ha Ha Bless . You might end up Hating me . I made this quickly it is a WIP . Meaning it may change . If you change the colours of the layers you will see what happens . I think To use two layers the Text to scroll has to be one half the size bigger than the window .
I will try to make the Maths More descriptive . I would strugglge to put into words what is happening there .


Looks already very good!


Trying to get this to work with the Weather text option and it only scrolls 1/2 way through the face. :thinking: :thinking:


You have to take into account an offset that is half the window size . An associate of mine has just said you must Fix the Text ( window ) width . You must set that to the longest text string . Are you using the Default Facer Description ? You might be better off making your own . I have noticed Open weather slip in a Description that Facer don’t flag up in the Test slider . Sorry I can not Remember what it is . I will add the weather description to the test above . As I said It is a WIP so it will be changing all the time . Keep your eye on it .


X position:
160 +(50 * (sin(#DWE#*0.1 * pi))))

160 = starting X coordinate
50 = how far it will move from starting X point
0.1 = speed
Change to your liking.

edited: now the formula is correct, for some reason facer removed * (multiply) sign in front of pi.
Remove spaces between numbers and letters


I do not know what I did wrong, but the formula doesn’t work

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The formula above has a ( missing .
(160 +(50 * (sin(#DWE#*0.1 * pi))))
Have you been able to Inspect the WIP I mad Above to copy the formulas out of it and have a Play ?

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Can you make the watch inspectable?

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It is already Inspectable .
I always Post tests like that otherwise there is no Point .
Click on the Title to get the Ball Rolling .

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Ups my fault…
this is gorgeous :rofl:

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Absolutely splendid - PMD (Peter’s Mathematical Description) Method in action. I really appreciate you describing and explaining what is what. It’s more work for you I understand, but it will make this forum even better than it already is. If only people would search the forum first!


It is probably because this forum pages recognize * as sign for start or end of formating.
160 +(50*(sin(#DWE#0.1pi))))
160 +(50*(sin(#DWE#*0.1*pi))))
If you have multiple such signs in formula, put it as whole in apostrophes or mark it as preformated text (ctrl+e)


I did not know about ctrl+e . Thank you Peter . I will add that to my Kneepad .


I think that shortcut will appear when you point your cursor at the formating button and probably works different in another apps.


Thank you . There are Teachers and there are Masters . Every day it a learning Day on here .