Send to phone from Inspector Mode

Hello everyone,

Perhaps a simple question: I modified the complications of a face in inspector mode and tried to send to my watch, but immediately encountered “unable to sync”.

I can sync all sorts of things to the watch but anything out of inspector will fail every time.

I’ve toggled bluetooth & wifi on both phone and watch and logged out & back-in on phone & laptop. Nothing seems to influence this. I suspect I’m doing something wrong. Can anyone spot my mistake?

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If its one of your own faces you should edit in the creator not inspection mode the inspection mode is really just so you can show people how you did something or to check for errors you cant edit and send to your watch from there ok

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That’s very helpful, thank you!

This is exactly the question I am facing. It’s not my watch face but a free one, I just want to play around with it a little. Regardless, the inspector always says “unable to sync”.

I figure that, because the function is present in the inspector, it was not only means to work from the creator?

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Yeah Ben. That is one of the limitations. You can play arrond copy the code and the Images if you know what you are doing. But you will not get a Sync from someone elses Publication or Draft. Facer would miss out completely at its own game. Start yourself a few Files with the Top Tags in. You can always borrow images but it is always so much more satisfying to make them yourself. Ther are a Ton of Resources that have been Gifted to the Commuity. Check out the Catogory.

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