Settings for Germany

Hi Com,

can you tell me how i can change the settings for “Germany”

F to C* = Weather,

the Text…

I live in Germany

Hi @manuelkoegel,

As user you could set it in the app (FACER /// - SETTINGS - WEATHER DATA - TEMPERATURE SCALE).

As designer you don’t need to do anything. Temperature tags & #WM# switch automatically according to user setting (location) :wink:

Thy for your fast answer.

i created a desing. But on my Watch it was F and ist say Clear.

how can i cahnge it

i cant set anythink on ISO / Facer

Hello again @manuelkoegel,

in the creator you see the pre-set data for Los Angeles. That’s OK. If somebody download your design she/ he will get the right data with right temperature scale so far I now.

i downloaded now to my watch… i got every time F and english text… i cant set any think in the Facer app or in Wear OS on my IPhone or on my Watch…

Here is, how to set it in Android:

no settings on ios :frowning:

…am sorry for this - no idea with ios. hopefully somebody else help’s you on this…