Any way to minimize this? It takes away too much space
Yeah, someone decide to change the layout… wtf…some of it was at the top before!
Would be nice to be able to collapse a topic and change the width of the bar…
I think it’s an improvement- on my pc it took the full height of the screen anyway, so it makes no difference to me.
OK . Mine has changed . I switched of BETA because I hated it . I have a Modest Laptop for this work and have to Zoom the screen a bit for my eyesight . So I get an enormous Sidebar and Three Previews of my work across the screen . Sorry but I think it is a F… waste of Space , Literally . I see they have Slack front and center . That Died with Lucky Andrei . God bless him . Facer F… Wake UP .
So no Scroll bar on the Enormous Sidebar so I don’t know what I am missing . Good bit of UI DESIGN .
I hope these people don’t actually get paid DESIGNERS wages . I don t think People know what Designer Means any More . All these guys making Garbage Faces calling themselves DESIGNERS . F… Nonsense .
As my Wife often Says . " You are just trying to get attention ". They have this wonderful community that puts a lot of energy into Bigging up Facer and they don’t pay any attention to it . So they Big up Slack which is a Dead Duck Believe me . I am very luck When I am upset with Facer I go and play on WFS . Having said that Everyone there has had to Roll Back from their recent update . BROKEN BETA .
On my laptop I get an additional 2 items shown - ‘usually’ if there is no scroll bar then the list shows all there is, but who knows here! Slack - never heard of it I suggest it’s removed and the list of the watch types that facer supports is added somewhere.
Yes . Good Idea . Having said that . If you have got as far as creator you probably know you watch is suitable . But I did create a good few faces before I found out the Huawei GT2 would not Sync . Fortunately Amazon let me send it back , lovely watch thought .
Slack is another forum . You may find a response from a partner there . Ariel Vardi was often on there a few years ago . You could go there and invoke him or @channel in which case everyone on the forum gets a notification . A great place for being a real Nuisance .
Loath it with a passion. Looks like Beta has gone live, and with it all the bugs like problems selecting elements on the face in designer. Continuous failure to save changes, sticking at the saving so you in the end have to give up, reload the face and re-do your edits.
I also switched away from Beta due to it being so deeply flawed but now have those flaws anyway.
I tried to submit the feedback while in Beta before switching away but the feedback was frozen.
@Facer_Official please don’t foist changes on us we have not asked for when there are so many functional things in the designer that have been broken for years:
Reverse Fill and #Dsm# just to name 2.
Bravo . Prehaps we should all go on Slack and Invoke @Ariel ( Ariel Vardi CEO Facer/ Little Labs )
I was excited when a brand new creator was touted. I thought all, or at least the biggest of, the niggles when designing a face would be resolved.
Instead we seem to have an ad bar for other faces and a bunch of new bugs.
The creator is for us to create. I have the Browse page open in another pinned tab for, well, browsing.
Creator should be about our creations and making that experience as seamless as possible.
I posted this on Slack .
@Ariel . Since the Latest version of Face Ceator has a direct link to Slack . Maybe this is a good place to ask you to look on the FACER community Forum to see that there are some Issues with it . It is a shame that no partner has chipped in . Is it because they Make faces on a Different platform now . Always a great Facer Fan .
I will not be surprised if my Profile is suspended for a bit . Hopefully not Premanantly . You can only be so much of a Nusicance . Good Night .
Just the slack link is buggy as hell.
It always takes me to join but I am joined so I have to mod the URL back to the login page.
@Ariel Yes. Please let us have improvements to the creator that allow us to improve our creations by fixing the years old bugs and not adding an irrelevant sidebar. Keep the link to Slack opposite the old create maybe but none of us like the sidebar, all of us on Beta quit it due to the multiple bugs and many of us could not feed back that Beta was flawed because the Beta feedback was broken.
Please revert live until you have fixed Beta, Beta feedback, and heard from your users.
I would be happy to be a Beta tester if I knew I could properly report feedback in a controlled way
So, If they have fixed the actual designer bugs that were in beta then creator is not all new. There is nothing new about creation. They have just added a sales pitch to the left of the My Faces page.
We want an updated CREATOR as the all new creator.
NOT just an extraneous addition to the the My Faces page.
I don’t see the point in the side bar, there is more crap in it that is not helpful for creating watch faces. What was wrong with the top part of the creator? Absolutely nothing! Stupid move!!