Silly math based second hands

I like figuring stuff like this out. Thought I’d share here. I’ll be adding more as I think of them.
If anyone has an idea and can’t be bothered with the math, please ask. I love a brainteaser.


That’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing bud :beers:


I went and inspected the way you done this. VERY CLEVER!


Thanks guys! I’m working on two balls leapfrogging.


Looking forward to looking at that later.

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:+1: :+1: :+1: Cool!

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I haven’t dwelled into the topic of animations much yet, but this stuff is fascinating! Ahhh, need more time… Looks cool. thanks!


i like it :smiley:

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Where can i find that ? Thank You

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You can go click on the watch face above, taking you to the watch face, and then you’ll see the box “INSPECT IN FACER CREATOR” below it.

That will take you to Creator where you can look at every element and see how it is done.

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Thank You for feedback

On that Particular Preview Tom mean to say Click on the Title of the Face on the Facer web Pages .

Excellent. My first thought was that you could do similar just with 2 image hands, one with #DWFSS# and the other #DWFS# but you get separation. The progress bar body is the key linking head to tail.

Excellent maths and, of course, shapes will be leaner than images.

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