[Solved] "Full Minute Glow" problem

Dear fellow watchmakers, I have a logical problem with a little experiment.

I’d like to have an event at every full minute. The element named “minute_glow_X” should make an afterglow effect as soon as the minute hand is exactly in a full minute position.

Sadly the glow effect is timed incorrectly - it seems to have full opacity AT THE MINUTE-1 position, then jumps to the correct position. My clunky “fomula” is the culprit, but I’m at my (short) wits end here. Can you help? Or does it work correctly from where you’re watching this?

It seems that this error appears in the Facer Creator when starting the simulation, and definitely on my watch - it seems to work fine in the preview at the top of this post, which is strange


I would like to inspect that to see .


My bad, forgot to set the checkbox :stuck_out_tongue:


Always the little things.
Also, curse of the techy. Suddenly works when you try and show it not working to someone.
Often it’s the headspace of thinking the explanation through for someone else that lets you see what you don’t when just looking for yourself.

I think I had something similar with the glow on my neon and plasma ones back in the early days.


It seems OK to me, but to avoid a jump, use DWFMS for the rotation of the glow hands.

And to simplify the opacity formula, you could use:
as condition.


Oh wow, yes, that was it in both counts. Thanks, man!!! Seems my watch needs a few to realize that the full minute has changed and draws the first glow at the past minute’s position. So setting it to the smooth value remedied that.

And the modulo (which is completely new to me, never had that in school) is neat, thanks again!


Can I pester you with yet one more thing?

It’s sector 2 in the (newly uploaded) watch face.

I wanted it to connect the bottom tip of the minute hand with the hour hand. It works in my example, but I’d like it to go round the other way, meaning going ahead of the minute hand.

I hopelessly got lost with all those reverse tricks, reverse fill, “360-angle” and such. I may have lost the focus here and started to wildly copy/pasting/reverting things, to no avail of course.


Sometimes, instead of using reverse fill use (max-progress).
See the fill ratio on the bottom battery arm here, swaps on charging:

Also the PB AOD here using rotation instead of reverse fill to avoid the bugs.
I’ve left the active PS using reverse to compare.
It’s an abandoned project so I’ll leave it as is.


Thanks for your help, it works! Good show!!

Not easy for me to balance 3 or 4 parameters in my brain at the same time. Typical musician, I guess, heh.


I am not sure I got want you mean, but maybe this?:

Rotation: (180+#DWFMS#)

Fill ratio: (.5+(#DWFKS#/360)-(#DWFMS#/360))


I think I got it now, thanks!

The rotation formulae from inner to outer are now:


It’s just a little game I’m playing against my brain. I don’t think this has any real value. But who knows? Maybe a slightly different hands design?


The best opponent.

I like the effect, and the thin hands. Just numbers to work with thicker ones. A lot of the stuff I do is just to see if it works, like the Fibonacci spiral hour arm I did. No use on a wrist but wanted to see it work. Turned out to be more moving things into position than maths but I was happy with the finish.


I remember the Fibonacci thing you did - impressive, to say the least. And now I have this idea to connect the tips of hour and minute hand with a spiral. Which seems impossible at the moment.


Glad I could feed the notion trough.


Inspiration comes in many guises - my favourite was a dinner plate! :laughing:


I now have to do a Grange Hill (UK 80s kids show for non Rusty) themed watch with the sausage as the battery arc and knife/fork hands.
Kicks, giggles, nostalgia. Palette cleanser for the current obsession in faces any day .

This was the UK school lunch in the 80s (sans ends and shading on sausages), swap sausages for watery curry.


Ha! Excellent :smiley:

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How about 12 prunes and custard or perhaps a tapioca background? Those were the hihlights of my late sixties school dinners :smiley: