Just a bit of distraction from the bread job. I wonder if I should make (very thin) hour and minute hands, and display the date on the moon - or nothing at all …
What do you think, if I might ask?
Just a bit of distraction from the bread job. I wonder if I should make (very thin) hour and minute hands, and display the date on the moon - or nothing at all …
What do you think, if I might ask?
If you could have a sattelite or moon lander orbiting the face.
Finding something that will not be too tacky is the tricky bit
Yeah . A little orbiter is a good idea . Some look for the date . I usually keep the Moon Clear but often there is a Hand across her on my watch . Marooned but not abandoned .
If hands, then thin ones or only outlines. Example:
Or a transparent screen also works:
Yes yes yes! Thanks for the input. Spealing of satellite - I had a little planetoid in another version circling the moon - but I got too occupied with making its shadow elliptic which took a lot of math calc to get it right, so I abandoned it Will revise.
And yes, thin is the way to got. I will try it over the weekend.
Thanks for the hints and examples!
If you could make that Orange Moon a bit bigger that would make a nice little analogue . Small analogue is very readable .
Okay, went the path of least resistance and put hands on it and date on the moon. Cannot, for the heck of it, display your examples on my computer, getting an empty webpage. Probably should install Chrome or something.
And another question occurred to me: Is it at all okay to ask fellow designers about their opinion here? Or is there a separate channel for things like that?
It has been discussed a few time and, though I am not generally keen on Chrome, I do find it runs Facer Creator better than others I have tried so I use it as my dedicated Facer and community browser and leave Firefox as my goto for all else.
Also, Facer had a bit of a hiccup a while back and was not loading faces here, or anywhere.
Which Examples can you not Open . The ones I post you click on the title to go to the inspectable preview . Which browser are you using . I also use Brave for an alternative Profile .
From what I can see of it right now, with thin Hands, Date on the Moon, and your Green Seconds, it all works quite nicely, so well done, great work.
Suggestions: Maybe have different Moon Phases for the Moon
Oh and yes, this is the right place for asking and sharing knowledge, with some mighty talented and helpful people too
Looks like there was ineed a little thing with the facer servers. Could look at the examples after some time.
I took it all to heart and decided I’ll go with thin minute and hour hands - it’s easy on the eye.
Not too enthusiastic about the “moon date” (I put my usual “real time” moon shadow thing there, of course, will experiment with the radius to make the phases look more realistic later).
And I really like this depressive astronaut thing but it’s a bit shoddy changing his /her position every minute in the same order, also could have done a bit more photoshopping with light and shadows.
Not sure if I keep the astronaut and the lander. It’s one of the things that look great in the mind’s eye and bad if done on a whim in the real world
Chrome really seems a bit more “snappy” than the overgrown Firefox. Will test this further.
I see nothing Shoddy in your work . You Are making Something Different . Changing something by the Minute means each time you look at the Face it is different . No one sits there for 8 Minutes to see what changes . I personally think a minute by minute slideshow is brilliant . Something that is not possible on a Mechanical watch . Keep it up .
Well, thank you again for the kind words – it’s so good to get positive feedback And yes, why not follow an idea, even if it, in the end, was just a journey into unknown territory? No time spent having fun can be truly lost.
I enjoy being part of the Group that are having Fun . But as you say the serious bit is we are all Learning all the time. Bravo .
Exactly! For me it’s the sense of achievement of making something that works that it makes it fun, together with and perhaps more importantly the community here. I can’t imagine at the start that i would have continued without the help from everyone here. Each watchface includes some new challenge for me apart from art side of things (my artistic skills are really quite limited) - some new tag or a different way of doing things, getting around a limitation. There’s a bunch of persons here who more than go out of their way to help- it is really an amazing community! I wiĺl take this opportunity to say thanks to them all…thanks.
Just finished this Ganymede time face. Couldn’t think of a way to do the 180 hour hand except by using #DNOW# which works out for the best since regular hours in UTC is good.
Nice one.
Though, is (#DNOW#/43200000*24)
not just the same as (#DNOW#/1800000)
I can see leaving it though, as a comparison to earth hours.
I did a bit of digging a while back and, distilling from various posts found the starting point of:
([Degrees per interval]*((#DNOW#/(1000*[how many seconds in 1 interval])%[Intervals per 360]))
Which can obviously then be reduced when you know where you are going but seems to be a fair starting point otherwise.
Looks the same, but not to somebody who has “what’s half 86400” in their head while working out the formula.
Yeah, as I say, thought it would be that. Realised as I was writing. Sometimes leaving the origin in helps when going back to something.
Same with the last watch. Looked at a calculation and said to myself, “You know, 360/35 could be replaced with 10.2857. Nope, didn’t have to type it more than once and I know what those numbers mean.”