[Solved] WatchOS Using Creator?

I’ve received a request to design for the Apple Watch. I don’t have one to do testing on, so my questions:

  1. It appears that all we can do for watchOS is to create a Photo Album background. This is probably a silly question, but do we add all the background images to one design; thus several “photo album” images will show along the bottom of the Creator design page - not just one background image per face as we do when designing for Android?

  2. The default color in Creator for time/date is in white. Is it possible to change the color of that (or is Apple smart enough to change white/black depending on the background)?

  3. Will my design using Creator work on all versions of the Apple Watch?

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From memory, the Apple side of things wasn’t too hot…Just one basic background (I think it does scroll through them) and no ability to change the colour or style of the font…Apple must be very picky with the styles that are permitted?

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Thank you, Roy. In that case it makes things easy. Apparently, Apple calls the shots on what appears on the screen so there’s no way to anticipate if any of my text will interfere with their messages. Thus, it makes sense that all we can do is to provide background images.

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Yeah I thought so…Fair enough I suppose!

Old topic, but thank goodness Apple has allowed more customization today VS. nearly 5 years ago in 2018!

Yet… It’s been 5 years and I think we can all generally agree we would like to see much more customization availability from Apple. In all of their products. (I’m looking at you, Home & Lock screen customization iOS iPhone!)

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To your 3rd question:
No, not all work seems to load on all Apple Watches. I have a Apple Watch Series 6 at hand and this template does not work nicely (the colors do not come through, only get grey tone):
Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 19.45.57

And with this standard template, one person said none of it loaded on his Series 8.

Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 19.50.43

I could only direct him to support, since it works fine on the Series 6.

Would be good to have some clarity what works on which series…

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This topic is very outdated and probably should be locked in order not to confuse people.
Those templates work on Series 4 and above. If they don’t, there is a watch setting that needs to be enabled. Yes, color background layers are in grayscale for that template. Otherwise, just create your background and upload it as an image. Sometimes, you can’t get too creative with Apples or Apple just screams, “That’s a No-No!” :roll_eyes: