Some 24 Hour Dials That I've Had A Long Time

Here’s some 24 Hour Dials I thought I’d share. Most of them are White so they can be coloured however you wish in the Creator, but because they are White you might not see them here but they are definitely here :joy: I’ll put little arrows pointing to them for you all :grin: There are 4 in total just below :arrow_heading_down:

:arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

:arrow_up_down: :arrow_up_down: :arrow_up_down: :arrow_up_down:

:arrow_up_down: :arrow_up_down: :arrow_up_down: :arrow_up_down:

:arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:


Nice set of dials to have about. Thanks.

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You’re welcome Mr Fisk…
How did you survive and disappear and the end of Hawkeye :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Thanks for posting. A person can never have too many options.

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The last 2 are part of this set, if anyone wants the other dials:


Thanks @ThaMattie :+1:

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Thanks for this kind contribution, appreciated.