Friend…How can I get these weather images in color?
I don’t know how to use apps that make these drawings!
When I go on my laptop next, probably tomorrow, I will post them all for you here ok.
In the meantime, check out the Resources section here in the Community, you might find some other ones that you prefer, like these here -
Here you go -
Broken Clouds -
Clear Sky -
Few Clouds -
Mist -
Rain -
Scattered Clouds -
Showers -
Snow -
Thunderstorm -
And for the Night Time we have -
Broken Clouds -
Clear Sky -
Few Clouds -
Mist -
Rain -

Scattered Clouds -
Showers -

Snow -

Thunderstorm -
Obviously resize them however you want.
HI @icrltd4 I thank you very much for your attention…but, I couldn’t download all the images just a few…excuse my ignorance…will you tell me how to download please?
Just click on one and then you’ll have a download option at the bottom and you’ll be able to select right or left to see the next one. I’m off now, but it should be simple ok.
Good morning my friend,
May God bless you and give you a great week!