Sound Ticking and Hourly Chime

Hello! I am fairy new to this and have found this forum very informative. I have seen this asked but I don’t know if I have seen an answer. Sometimes I don’t think I understand the answer so I might have seen it and didn’t know.

Is there a way to have my Samsung Galaxy 6 classic use the function it already has to have a ticking and hourly chime on Facer? If there is please explain in the most simple way possible. I know most of you have been doing this for a while be I only started 2 weeks ago.

Thank you for your time and patience


Welcome to this amazing Community @pamlicopam23 and Happy Holidays :christmas_tree::+1:
As a free Creator I can only say that those options aren’t available to me sorry.


Hello. I think those are two separate things. If watch it self has such function, it should be in watch settings. If it is watchface customization option, on facer there is no publicly documented way to do it.
Recently I have seen presented a premium facer face with sound on tap available, but I think those features are still reserved to tight club of chosen partners. We dont know whether they are allowed to share the knowledge, or only the results.


I’ve seen the Facer app advertisements for the watchfaces with sound. Everyone I’ve seen is a Facer Branded watchface on Google Play.


I have tried as a Free Maker to get Ticks on my Faces on Facer and Watch Face Studio with no luck . But by Playing with the Sound settings on my watch ( Galaxy Watch 4 Classic ) I have managed to get a beep and vibrate on the Hour . It is not something that is switched on with Facer .

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Hello! I tested with the dedault faces that Samsung loaded and it is ticking. I just tried several Facer watchfaces and didn’t hear a thing. I don’t know if the faces i tried were made by the people with the ablity to make things tick or not. I have the pro edition but i have only been doing it for 2 weeks and i am proud of what i have created but i am like a dog with a bone, i know it can be done so i want to do it. LOL.

Thank you for responding!


Hey Great . I could not get the Tick . I tested everthing I could . I would say Facer Faces will never Tick . I think it is,a Samsung thing not a WOS thing . But keep trying and testing the stuff that dose work there is a Ton of stuff that works really well . Remember to Inspect the Work of Makers you like . I think you will find most of what you like is Inspectable .

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One day maybe there will be this option more accessible, but for now its only for selected people.


They are mostly for fun so far,

but some are really functional

and maybe one day, if granted the access, I will be able to make proper alarm and countdown function.


I was also looking to have the ticking sound option and I found an app called Ticking Sound Wear on Google Play that keeps the ticking no matter the watchface used.