Spam on Facer Facebook website

I personally think that the miscommunications from FB should be left there . One of the Best things is this community that is about watches . The whole point of that being it is personality free. It is about what Talent and Skills Someone has accumulated at their own level of Ability . Almost Unique . To my way of thinking Extremely Precious . As they say Worth Fighting For .


Well said, my friend! :heart_eyes:

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@mrantisocialguy @russellcresser , you both have my respect and always will! Thank you for always being there with your help whether it was for me or someone else. My hat is off to you both.


While I can it is about paying Back for the help I was given . I am more intrested in the Effects that can be Achived on our Watches . I was Initaily on Slack and was directed here by @lucky.andrei @petruuccios and @ThaMattie . Slack has Almoust Died since we Lost Andrei . The Community survives due to the Spirit of the Contribution . I think this Community is unique and everyone has a duty to to the others . Paying Back or Forward to Users and Makers who want to Develop .


@russellcresser That is what communities are for. I am sure everyone appreciates the help that you and the regulars have given. Kudos to everyone who has tried to make Facer Community a better place by offering help to all.


I agree with that statement. There are those that go out of their way to help others. He is definitely one of them.