Spam on Facer Facebook website

Now somebody on Facer team must wake up. It seems that you let spammer come into Facer website as followers of serious watch face makers. I have no time sitting deleting or blocking this people, start to take this issue seriously or we are all gone from your website and will not post anything more on your Facebook page.

I have volunteered myself to be an admin for the Facer Facebook page and all I heard were crickets.


It is started to be very annoying. You see someone posting things that has nothing to with Facer like porn, videos and many other objects or subjects. So how can we stop this? I am loosing patience with this. Have given Facebook some details about this and it seems to stop for awhile, but now it happens again.

Everyone that I see I report it to the group admin and also to Facebook both as spam. It seems that they have a rule set up if something gets complained about 2 or 3 times the settings automatically hide it from the group. I have the same controls in the two Facebook groups I am admin for, and I have mine set for one complaint, and it is hidden so I can review and delete it if necessary. They just need to tighten the settings up a little.


One of the few reasons I left the Facebook Group a while ago :grin:


Yes, it does get old after a bit. Of course, if the admins would set it up right, you would never see spam.

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Spam Gif 01


Are any of you still in the Facebook group? Has there been any improvement in the environment of the group? I dropped out last year, but have been told that I should give it another try.

The Facebook group isn’t being plagued by the spam as bad as it once was. There is some that shows up occasionally, but it’s being gotten rid of faster now. I’m only reporting one or two a week instead of 10 or more a day.

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It wasn’t the spam that bothered me. It is the rude, immature people that I have no use for. Oh well, maybe I’ll become active again. Perhaps “the mean girls” have left by now.

I can’t even join the group :frowning:

I’ve heard the same from another person. For some reason Facebook has a problem with members joining using their business names. On the other hand, you’re not missing much. It is not for the faint of heart because quite a few members seem to have no manners.

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Those seem to be everywhere on (anti) social media. I have a personal Facebook account using my real name and the Rusty one I use on the Facer group. I’m finding that I don’t interact with my personal account as much as I used to just because of all the stupid stuff on there. I also don’t use any groups at all except for our church’s “unofficial” prayer request group that I am an admin for. I also watch the local Humane Society shelter page and that’s about it.

I am in several groups. I have never had a problem with my personal account or any of the other public or private groups I’m in. I think the difference is in the moderation. The others seem to have full-time 24-7 moderation. The only way to do that is to have two or more administrators in different time zones.

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@Linlay Referring to me are you? I’m not the mean one. I’ve apologized for anything that I have done to you. What reply do I get from you? That I took your comment out of context. Some people are just not able to squeeze an apology from their lips. It’s ok, I have forgiven you without an apology. I’m ready to move forward, so no need to keep posting how mean me and Karin are.

I have not posted anything like you say here. This must be a big mistake. I do not know how my name came up.

The Facebook group has quite a few disrespectful people - men, women, and people who act like children. They seem to be there to post nothing but negative comments. It’s social media. If you are one of those people, it would apply to you. If not, you have no need to worry.

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If you are one of those people, then I guess it would apply to you also. There are ways of wording things that may not seem negative, but in all relative they are. I think this would be called passive aggressive.

Social media can be a waste of time and energy. Dwelling on who-said-what-to-whom can be unhealthy, counterproductive, and often gets blown out of proportion in interpretation. I think the best way to approach the Facebook group is to realize that there will be constructive criticism or worse. If you are tired of dealing with Facebook, take a break. Use the time to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Count your blessings. For most people Facebook isn’t one of them.

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@Linlay @kallyjeen41

The largest problem with (anti) social media is the fact that the written word does not express emotion and other visual clues to the meaning that talking in person does. A lot of misunderstandings have arisen just because someone states an opinion in a way the other person mistakes as a personal cut at them and emoticons don’t really help either. There are also the “keyboard commandos” who go out of their way to attack people just to get a response out of them for their own personal entertainment. When I run across a keyboard commando, I just block them and move on with life.

The other social media problem that comes up is the fact that some people will speak in a way that they would never do in person. There is something about the internet that brings on a mistaken sense of anonymity. I can be anything or anyone that I want to be on the internet. I choose not to be an A$$hole!