Speed it up! (animation background/playground)

I started this one long ago, trying to improve things bit by bit now and then (yet still not satisfied with the results) but I had to rush it now a bit, after I only talked too much into others business recently.

Mainly held me, that menawhile some great designs of cabin windows from @kvansant emerged, to which I never can hope to get close to.

Maybe our animation gurus can advice something I could improve.
The idea is, the calm starry sight accelerates at wake up.


Hi Peter, I like your face.
I’m not the animation specialist, but I would slow it a little bit down


Looks cool!
Nice fonts too!
I would ad more blinking lights on the dashboard… but that just me…


Thanks, I see, some more “life” to the cabin could help. Maybe I will figure something.


All works well together, good job :+1:
Just as the others said above, I would add some extra “bits” to the Hud display, and definitely slow the Warp Speed down…I was thinking of a slower start, then a gradual speed increase perhaps :thinking:


Hi Peter.

So here are my remarks about this face.

  • the face must be more alive. Numbers may not be dull. So i would advise for example for the #PBN# (and others) to use in the text field this formula : (floor(0+(interpDecel(#DWE#,0,3.5,1))*#PBN#))
    You can of course also try interpAccel instead. I would adapt the start to the start of the sequence animations.
  • i would make the side panels transparent, so that the animations are also viewable there.
  • you have 3 sequence. One, called 1FrStars, consist of 1 image and that is fine, because i assume this one must be shown at synching or browsing status. But i would use a picture for that reason. Secondly, the duration of this “sequence”, is 3s, although you have in the x field this formula $#DWE#>1.5?-160:160$. So at least during 1.5 second nothing happens in space. If you want that, that is of course okay. I would skip this one and replace it by a image element containing that picture with a opacity formula to show it upfront.
  • the 2 other sequences (beautiful) have both a duration of 1.5 sec. The first is moved away on the x-axis after 3 secs. I would try a duration of 3 secs (from the start), if you want it to start immediately and be slow to join the second sequence, which i would set to 2.5. And perhaps add a formula in the x field $#DWE#>5.5?-160:160$ - in case you would add - like me - a copy of the second sequence, but this time, keep the third at 1.5. Then you have a more gradual speeding up, going from 3 to 2.5 and 1.5.
  • perhaps you could activate the second image element about the cockpit and put in the first in opacity something like ((sin(#DWE#*2)*50)+50)
  • in the lower section of that picture i would cut it off and fill that space with diverse swinging progress fantasy circles, red dots flickering, a picture of a planet circling…



Thank you Patrick,
trouble is, I lost my source images during the long time in production and making it all anew I was not patient enough. After all the positive reactions I will someday try again but probably not soon.

The animation was once just one fluid acceleration. I found a spot where at high enough speed I could split it to parts to make the second part look like closed loop despite not actually being flawlessly seamless.
To prolong the still phase and to make still background for dim mode and preview, I put there another copy of the animation, just with the first frame on it. Since all the phases start at wake, the earlier phases have to be a whole number times the later phase, so that they meet in the right spot to continue after they leave screen.

And yes, numbers and lights have to do something too, not just shine there :slight_smile:
The idea to cut out side panels seems to be easiest fix and I will definitely try to add it