Step counter not receiving data (RESOLVED)

My samsung watch pro 5 no longer receiving step count data. I have checked permissions on watch and phone, and facer has all permissions allowed. Other sensors such as heart rate and Altimeter are working fine. I have tried other warch faces and still same issue persists, no steps.
Any advice please?
Samsung health app on phone is showing steps, and samsung health on watch is showing step data fine.


Switch to a Samsung watchface then back to Facer, that should wake it up and make it work again. I’ve been having the same issue lately.


Yep, that worked. Thankyou! I know if it was an apple watch it would just work! But i dont want an apple watch!


Check if Facer is a changer of watch faces on Galaxy Wear?

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Yep, according to all the settings on watch and phone, Facer has God mode enabled…but Samsung says No to step count data unless you do as @mrantisocialguy says and don a samsung watch face first! I think samsung is not liking Facer. All working now though.

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It’s a WearOS issue, because Pixel watches are doing the same thing. I believe some others are also doing it, but since Samsung and Google are the “big kids on the block”, you only hear about them.

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Yep - worked for me too.
Such a quick fix after 3 days of reboots, google searches, permissions changing, etc.

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Never underestimate the power of the community!!


Just consider the Community Members as being Facer First Responders! :laughing::joy::rofl:

