Stopwatch with lap number

Please for stopwatch watch face with lap number, and starting from zero lap time.

Yes please! I need at least a lap functionality:

When the stopwatch starts, the starttime of the stopwatch should be remembered in variable <stopwatch_starting_time> and <lap_starting_time>.

When the stopwatch resets, both variables are reset.

the value of <stopwatch_time_elapsed> is calculated with <current_time> minus <stopwatch_starting_time>

When a lap is toggled, the variable <prior_lap_starting_time> should be filled with <lap_starting_time>.
<lap_starting_time> should be filled with the value of <current_time>

Now we can use these variables to calculate all kinds of lap-stuff, like lap time, time from start of the lap, remember total of prior lap times


We have no way to store variables . We have no access to the Ram . We have a Logged button push and that is it apart from the Unix Epoch Timer . Subtracting one from the other is all we cab do ,

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That is true for the users of Facer, because it is not (yet?) implemented.
That is not true for facer, we have several variables that we can increment/decrement. It is not needed to remember the lap variables persistently. In memory would be enough.


Yes Indeed but we can not access the Memory . We can have seperate taps for seperate laps , well a small number of them . There is no way to put Numbers into an array and display it .

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