Sync honor magicwatch 2 & WearOS impossible

Bonjour à tous,

Nouveau propriétaire d’une honor magicwatch 2, la synchronisation entre la montre et mon Samsung s9 via l’application Health, se déroule bien.
En revanche, il m’est impossible de synchroniser via Wear OS.
Je pense qu’il y a un conflit entre les deux apps, Mais il est obligé de passer par Health.
Savez-vous comment puis-je faire la sync avec Wear OS ?

Je vous joins les 2 screens de l’appli.


Translation to English for all that want it -

"Hi all

New owner of an honor magicwatch 2, the synchronization between the watch and my Samsung s9 via the Health app, is going well.
On the other hand, it is impossible for me to synchronize via Wear OS.
I think there’s a conflict between the two apps, but he’s forced to go through Health.
Do you know how I do sync with Wear OS?

I’ll join you with the 2 screens of the app.

Thank you."

Not sure exactly what your question is, but the answer is likely that because that watch has it’s own OS it doesn’t have anything to do with WearOS. And sadly Facer will not be compatible with it either. Sorry!

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Honor is Huawei, which means Google (and hopefully Facer) tech will never be compatible.

What bad news. Pity.
Feel free to use my faces - you who can !

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