Hi everyone,
I’m trying to make and object move on the X axis with a temperature range between -30 / +50 °C (-22 / + 122 °F). The movement range is between position 135 and 185.
That is to say it has to move from 135 when temperature is at -30°C and 185 wheht it’s at 50°C.
Can someone help?
Weather unit tag is #WM#
Current temperature is #WCT#
Temp range C is 50 - -30 = 80
Temp range F is 122 - -22 = 144
X range is 185 -135 = 50
Scale C is 50 / 80 = 0.625 pixels per degree C
Scale F is 50 / 144 = 0.3472 pixels per degree F
X pos C is:
X pos F is:
Combined expression
I hope that helps.
Yes! That’s exactly what I needed. Thanks a lot.
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Here’s the face I wanted to create, check it out!
Mike another very welcome help Thank you for my part.
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good job
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Looking very good - the temperature indicator is great!
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