Thanks to everyone for this!

I’m amazed that this little hobby has been so well appreciated.

A Humble EBD


I have twice the number of faces and half the total sync. You must be doing something right :slight_smile:


Ha @EBD . You have hit the right spot there . You Know you have an Update stuck on edit.

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Estou muito longe de chegar a esse nível mais, além de não ser nada fantástico o que mais eu posso estra fazendo errado?

I’m a long way from reaching that level anymore, besides not being fantastic what else could I be doing wrong?

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I started out with simple watch faces. This was one of my first, without any graphics, only with Facer elements:

TX-CR01 Lumix

I have learned, and studies the pros, and I made some progress in the last 1.5 years. Today, the same watch face looks like this:


Keep at it, you’ll make progress, as long as you enjoy it and have fun.


Love your Facer Basic there Tom . Bloody Marvelous .



I’m sooooo close… right behind you.


Wow . That makes you average syncs per Face is about 1200 . Fantastic . I wonder how many publications you have . It seems from your Grab that you have 80 Faces Draft and Published .
Why do you guys have one Face on Edit . Something we Don’t Know about ?


To me this happend in past. I was playing in the active design and when leaving mindlessly hit the save button. Then I was uncertain if I did not change something crucial, so I did not want to update and publish the last changes (even the “versioning” in the Pro subscription did not help me to decide whether the change was safe or not. You can not browse between version back and forth, just have to pick how many saves back you want to jump, but then its over with everything inbetween).


@masterboyhr Wow that’s a very impressive sync ratio - Extremely well done!


It pushes the face into the ‘Other faces by this designer’ list in the App - so a face gets more exposure…


Occasionally I open my Favourites Save them and Update / Republish them . That puts them First in my Profile . I don’t think that you have to change anything much . I have put Bump and the Date on some at the bottom of some descriptions to remind me when I last Played . I quit often Change the Display Watch . Often it is to fix bugs that have come up .

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Congratulations :star_struck: :star:


Oh wow! Big congrats!! What a wonderful accomplishment! Love your designs too! :star_struck: