Time of day, Weather and moon phase

A dial with the time of day where the sun alternates with the moon, the moon has moon phases and this all overlaps the weather both during the day and at night.
Inspector is unlocked


I’m just not sure if I chose the right font.


I think I agree with you on the font choice, it doesn’t seem to go with the overall theme of the face in my opinion. I also have a suggestion for you on the sunrise and sunset times. Make them 12/24 hour instead of just 24-hour. Most people on my side of the world use 12-hour time format. Here is what I use to do that in my watchfaces.

Sunrise & Sunset (NO AM/PM TAGS) (Leading zero on 24 hour only)
Sunrise 12h (#WSUNRISEH#):(pad((#WSUNRISEM#), 2))
Sunrise 24h (pad((#WSUNRISEH24#), 2)):(pad((#WSUNRISEM#), 2))
Sunset 12h (#WSUNSETH#):(pad((#WSUNSETM#), 2))
Sunset 24h (pad((#WSUNSETH24#), 2)):(pad((#WSUNSETM#), 2))


OK. and where should I put the codes? To the Text field?


Yes, all in the text fields in four elements. Then use opacity and shifting off screen for deciding between 12 or 24 hour and also for day or night. I normally use opacity for the day/night and moving offscreen for the 12/24.


And don’t you have a solution how to do it with building two elements, instead of adding another 8 elements?
I’m irritated by the impossibility of grouping elements and the clarity is then zero, additional layers are evil.
This is how I have it in only two, only visibility set for day and night. It’s the simplest solution for me, no extra coding that I don’t know.
My work with coding is that I write down what I will use once, and then I just copy it, if I don’t have a code, I google to see if I can find something similar that can be modified to suit me. and if not, then I’m asking for advice here. I can’t code.
Another thing is that those tenses are composed especially with colons so that they are asymmetric.


The problem I’ve had is that you can only use the : once in the element. I’ve tried putting it into an element like this and it didn’t function.

$#DTIMEFORMAT#==12?(#WSUNRISEH#):(pad((#WSUNRISEM#), 2)):(pad((#WSUNRISEH24#), 2)):(pad((#WSUNRISEM#), 2))$

There is something about that extra : that breaks the expression. Like you, I am not a coder and I rely on other people. Once I have a code I can change it to accomplish what I need done.

I only use 4 elements, one for each variation of 12/24 & AM/PM. This watchface has the full four element sunrise/sunset coding so you can see that it’s not much of an issue using four elements, MAG 2777 inspection is of course turned on.


you need more $$ in that expression.
Here an example:
‘ $#DOW#=0?SU:$$#DOW#=1?MO:$$#DOW#=2?TU:$$#DOW#=3?WE:$$#DOW#=4?TH:$$#DOW#=5?FR:$$#DOW#=6?SA:$$#DOW#=0?S:$$#DOW#=1?M:$$#DOW#=2?T:$$#DOW#=3?W:$$#DOW#=4?T:$$#DOW#=5?F:$$#DOW#=6?S:$’


You can also do it with just two elements, but you have to group sunrise and sunset together into one line like this watchface has. MAG 2797.


This is a more acceptable solution, I just have to find the message font.


that is the term for days. They work well for me, so far I haven’t noticed any problem with the expression I use.


Is it better with this font?


Yes, I think it looks better with that font.


It’s Ubuntu. :grinning: :wink: :grinning:


I absolutely do not understand the functions of the glow and stroke effect, or I understand their functions but I do not understand their presence in the creator when they do not work correctly. In the preview, yes, but in the watch it looks appalling and disgusting. The same with Moon phase is rotation, why? but the opacities are missing. :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:


Time to time the creator asks me how I like it and what would I suggest.
I for years reply the same, its ok, but finally fix the features that are there, but do not work right on watches.


He hasn’t asked me yet, or I didn’t notice. But I totally agree with you…
Clouds of things are useless there, at least for me, but even more things are missing there and I’m curious if you can at least add the file system.

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Stroke and Glow were for the Tizen watches . I use it on my wife’s watch . It looks cool .